1日1動画 in English : トークショー


-I don't know if you remember this, but we've met before.

-Oh, I remember.

-Do you remember this? It was really embarrassing for me.

-Yes. -It was?



-Yeah. I have not seen you since then, right?

-I have not. That is correct.


But this is years ago. Do you want me to tell my version of the story?

-Yeah. You tell your version.

want 人 to- 人に-してほしい

ex) I want you to help with cleaning a bit. (ちょっと掃除手伝ってほしいな)

my version of the story: 




-I'm walking down the street in New York City. My friend Rick calls me and says, "Dude, what are you doing?" I go, "I'm just walking down the street." He goes, "I have Nicole Kidman with me, and she wants to meet you for -- maybe to be in, 'Bewitched,' or something like that."

I go: それで(私は)


have - with me: -と一緒にいる


So, I go, "Okay." He goes, "I can be in your apartment in, like, 10 minutes." I go, "You're gonna bring Nicole Kidman over to my apartment?" I'm like, "Okay, I don't know. What do I do? Do I have something? What do I do?" He goes, "I don't know. Just get some cheese and crackers, or something." And I'm like -- I'm like, "Cheese and crackers?" I don't have any time. I don't have dinner parties. I don't have anyone over my house." I'm like, "I have video games and sneakers." I mean, really...

So, I go, and I go -- There's a deli. And I go in the deli. I go, "What do you mean, 'cheese?'" He goes, "Get brie, or something." I go, "Brie?" I don't even know what that is. I'm like, "Uh..."

So, I go in. This is like -- I'm on "Saturday Night Live," I guess, or something. I don't remember, really, when it was.

-I just remember I liked you. And he was like -- Not now. I'm married, now. But he was like, "Oh, well, you can meet --"

-What? -Not that way.

-Wait. What?

Wait. What?

-So, he says --


So, Rick, our mutual friend, says, "Oh, you know, Jimmy wants to meet you and you can go over to his apartment." And da da da da da. And I'm single. And I'm like, "Okay. Yeah. Cool."

-Wait. What?



-What are you talking about?!

-Yes. -Did I date Nicole Kidman?

-Sure. -Did we go --

Was that a date? -So, I go over, though, and you're there in a baseball cap, and, like, nothing. Just, like... I had brie cheese.

-And you wouldn't talk. You didn't say anything.

-You were like, "Hey. Mm. Mm. Mm."

-I didn't "Mm. Mm. Mm." I didn't say -- I was very nervous.

-And I'm like, "Okay."

-I didn't know this was -- that this is a thing. I thought this was a movie. -Well, it's like a hang. It was meant to just -- I don't know. And then, you put a video game on, or something. And I'm like, "This is so bad." It was bad.


I swear. And you didn't talk at all. And so, after about an hour and a half, I thought, "He has no interest. This is so embarrassing." 

-I had no clue at all. -And I left, and went, "Okay, no chemistry." And then, I was like, "Maybe he's gay."

-Come on!


I'm out of here. Take care.


-Okay, now --


Now, I'm going to do the show.


-Well... -So tell me, Jimmy.

-Well, Doctor, I remember it like it was yesterday. Nicole Kidman walked in my apartment. Do you remember what the apartment looked like?

-Like not much.

Anyway, we weren't meant to be, right?

-Wow, did you make a good decision.

You made a great -- a fantastic decision.

-You didn't.

-Oh, my gosh. -Anyway, it was like that.