1日1動画 in English 洋楽編 "Golden hour"

golden hour by JVKE (2022)


動画の"golden hour"はアメリカのJVKE(ジェイク)の曲でspotifyで10億回以上再生されています。




golden hour とは日没と日の出の数時間前の世界が金色になる時間帯のことを言います。日常生活でも普通に使われる言葉です。







  • fall for someone
  • childish
  • miss something
  • all alone
  • the love of my life
  • radiant beam 
  • last (V)
  • feel like 時間
  • the baddest 
  • glow on one's face



It was just two lovers. Sittin' in the car, listening to Blonde
二人はただの恋人だった。車の中に座って、Blondを聴いている※BlondはFrank Oceanという歌手のアルバム

Fallin' for each other
Pink and orange skies, feelin' super childish
Fallin' for each other:be strongly attracted by someone (誰かにとても強く惹かれる)
No Donald Glover
Missed call from my mother
Donald Gloverは無し
miss something: 〜を逃す
I miss the last train.(終電を逃した)
※Donald Glover はアメリカのミュージシャンでとても難しいメッセージのある曲を書く大人の音楽の代表格
Like, "Where you at tonight?" Got no alibi
I was all alone with the love of my life
all alon: 完全に一人
the love of my love: 人生の中で最も愛している人
She's got glitter for skin
My radiant beam in the night
I don't need no light to see you
radiant beam: radiant は暖かい光。自然の光や幸福感にも使われる形容詞
She walked in the room with a radianr beam which makes everyone cheered up.(彼女はみんなを元気にする明るい光で部屋に入ってきた。)
It's your golden hour (oh)
You slow down time
In your golden hour (oh)
We were just two lovers
Feet up on the dash, drivin' nowhere fast
Burnin' through the summer
Radio on blast, make the moment last
last: 続く
Can I get a kiss and can you make it kast forever? (キスをして、それを永遠に続けられる?) See you again, Tyler より
She got solar power
Minutes feel like hours
feel like 時間: 時間のよう
This week feels like a day!! (今週は1日のように感じたよ!)
She knew she was the baddest.
Can you even imagine fallin' like I did?
the baddest: badは文脈によってかっこいい、イケてるという意味になる。その場合worstやworseの代わりにbadder, baddset という比較級が使われる。
For the love of my life
She's got glow on her face
A glorious look in her eyes
My angel of light
glow on one's face : 顔がほてって赤くなる。glowは元々ぼんやり光るという意味があるので、golden hourに掛かっている。
I was all alone with the love of my life
She's got glitter for skin
My radiant beam in the night
I don't need no light to see you
It's your golden hour (oh)
You slow down time
In your golden hour (oh)











1日1動画 in English : トークショー


-I don't know if you remember this, but we've met before.

-Oh, I remember.

-Do you remember this? It was really embarrassing for me.

-Yes. -It was?



-Yeah. I have not seen you since then, right?

-I have not. That is correct.


But this is years ago. Do you want me to tell my version of the story?

-Yeah. You tell your version.

want 人 to- 人に-してほしい

ex) I want you to help with cleaning a bit. (ちょっと掃除手伝ってほしいな)

my version of the story: 




-I'm walking down the street in New York City. My friend Rick calls me and says, "Dude, what are you doing?" I go, "I'm just walking down the street." He goes, "I have Nicole Kidman with me, and she wants to meet you for -- maybe to be in, 'Bewitched,' or something like that."

I go: それで(私は)


have - with me: -と一緒にいる


So, I go, "Okay." He goes, "I can be in your apartment in, like, 10 minutes." I go, "You're gonna bring Nicole Kidman over to my apartment?" I'm like, "Okay, I don't know. What do I do? Do I have something? What do I do?" He goes, "I don't know. Just get some cheese and crackers, or something." And I'm like -- I'm like, "Cheese and crackers?" I don't have any time. I don't have dinner parties. I don't have anyone over my house." I'm like, "I have video games and sneakers." I mean, really...

So, I go, and I go -- There's a deli. And I go in the deli. I go, "What do you mean, 'cheese?'" He goes, "Get brie, or something." I go, "Brie?" I don't even know what that is. I'm like, "Uh..."

So, I go in. This is like -- I'm on "Saturday Night Live," I guess, or something. I don't remember, really, when it was.

-I just remember I liked you. And he was like -- Not now. I'm married, now. But he was like, "Oh, well, you can meet --"

-What? -Not that way.

-Wait. What?

Wait. What?

-So, he says --


So, Rick, our mutual friend, says, "Oh, you know, Jimmy wants to meet you and you can go over to his apartment." And da da da da da. And I'm single. And I'm like, "Okay. Yeah. Cool."

-Wait. What?



-What are you talking about?!

-Yes. -Did I date Nicole Kidman?

-Sure. -Did we go --

Was that a date? -So, I go over, though, and you're there in a baseball cap, and, like, nothing. Just, like... I had brie cheese.

-And you wouldn't talk. You didn't say anything.

-You were like, "Hey. Mm. Mm. Mm."

-I didn't "Mm. Mm. Mm." I didn't say -- I was very nervous.

-And I'm like, "Okay."

-I didn't know this was -- that this is a thing. I thought this was a movie. -Well, it's like a hang. It was meant to just -- I don't know. And then, you put a video game on, or something. And I'm like, "This is so bad." It was bad.


I swear. And you didn't talk at all. And so, after about an hour and a half, I thought, "He has no interest. This is so embarrassing." 

-I had no clue at all. -And I left, and went, "Okay, no chemistry." And then, I was like, "Maybe he's gay."

-Come on!


I'm out of here. Take care.


-Okay, now --


Now, I'm going to do the show.


-Well... -So tell me, Jimmy.

-Well, Doctor, I remember it like it was yesterday. Nicole Kidman walked in my apartment. Do you remember what the apartment looked like?

-Like not much.

Anyway, we weren't meant to be, right?

-Wow, did you make a good decision.

You made a great -- a fantastic decision.

-You didn't.

-Oh, my gosh. -Anyway, it was like that.

1日1動画 in English: マーケティング vs 製品 by スティーブ・ジョブズ

(起業家やCEOはこのことを知っておくべきだ! マーケティング vs 製品) スティーブ・ジョブズ








Customers don't form their opinions on quality from marketing. They don't form their opinions on quality from who won the uh, the Deming award or who won the Baldridge award.

顧客はマーケティングから品質に関する意見を形成するわけではない。 もしくは誰がデミング賞を受賞したか、誰がボールドリッジ賞を受賞したかに基づいて意見を形成するわけでもない。 


They form their opinions on quality from their own experience with the products or the services, and so one can spend enormous amounts of money on quality, one can win every quality award there is, and yet if your products don't live up to it, customers will not keep that opinion for long in their minds.

彼らは、製品やサービスに関する自身の経験に基づいて品質に関する意見を形成する。品質に巨額のお金を費やし、あらゆる品質賞を受賞することができますが、それでも、製品が期待に応えていない場合は 、顧客はその意見を持ち続けるけることなない。

their own: 彼ら自身の 

ex) I built this house on my own. (この家を自分自身で建てた)

live up to it: (期待に)応える

ex) The concert was brilliant. It lived up to all our expectations. (コンサートは最高だった。私たち全員の期待に応えたよ。)


So, I think where we have to start is with our products and our services, not with our marketing department, and we need to get back to the basics and go improve our products and services. 


get back to: 元々の場所に戻る

Anyway, I'd better get back to work. (とりあえず、私はs)


Now, again, quality isn't just the product or the service; it's having the right product,  you know, knowing where the market's going, and having the most innovative products. It is just as much a part of quality as (the quality) the construction of the product when you have it, and I think what we're seeing is the quality leaders of today have integrated that quality technology well beyond their manufacturing.

 繰り返すと、品質とは単なる製品やサービスではない。 それは正しい製品を持ち、市場がどこに向かっているのかを知り、最も革新的な製品を持つということ。それは製品を手にするときの製品構造(製品そのもの)と同じくらい重要な品質の一部である。今日の品質担当のリーダーは製造を超えてその高品質テクノロジーを統合していることを私たちは目の当たりにしていると思う。


Now, going well into their sales and marketing and out as far as they can to touch the customer, trying to create super-efficient processes back from the customer all the way through to the delivery of the end product. So that they can have the most innovative products, understand the customer needs fastest, etc., etc.

現在、販売とマーケティング精力的に取り組み、顧客と触れ合うためにできる限り外に出て、顧客が最大限の効果を得ることができるように、顧客から最終製品の納品に至るまでの超効率的なプロセスを作成しようとしています。 革新的な製品、顧客のニーズを最速で理解するなどなど。

go into something: 〜(仕事)に取りかかる

ex) My son's planning to go into journalism.


all the way: ~まで全て

ex) You need to pull the lever all the way back to the end.






1日1動画 in English:Steve Jobs


今日の動画Steve Jobs, Secret of Life

英語学習で最も大切にしていたことは、native がどうやって僕の知っている単語を使うかでした。皆さんもぜひ!




<意訳 and 解説>



The thing I would say is when you grow up, you tend to get told that the world is the way it is and your life is just to live your life inside of the world, try not to bash into the walls too much, try to have a nice family, try to have a nice family, have fun, save little mony. 


the world is the way it is: その世界そのまま


It is what it is! (そう言うもんじゃん)



But life... That's a very limited life. Life can be much broader once you discover one simple fact and that is everything you call life was made up by people that were no smarter than you. And you can change it. You can influence it. You can build your own things that other people can use. And the minuite you understand you can poke life and actually something, you know, if you push in something will pop out the other side. That you can change it. You can mold it. Umm That's maybe the most important thing.




is to shake off this uh thsi uh erroneous notion that life is there. And you're just gonna live in it. Versus embrace it, change it, imporove it, make your mark up on it. uh I think that's very important. And however you learn it, once you learn it, you'll wanna change life and make it better because it’s kinda messed up in a lot of ways. Once you learn that, you'll never be the same again.
